
There are more than 45,000 known species of spiders. For most people, the thought of spiders brings up images of tarantulas, wolf spiders, and other (seemingly) fearsome creatures.

But most spiders are harmless and serve a critical purpose controlling insect populations that could otherwise devastate crops. Though the spider control and prevention experts at Pathfinder Pest in Buffalo can deal with any home infestation, it is important to know that without spiders to eat pests that are harmful to agriculture, our food supply would be put at risk.

Common Types of Spiders

Cellar Spiders are the most common spiders. They are found in dark damp places like basements, crawl spaces, and garage.

  • ¼-3/8” (6-9mm)
  • Long skinny legs with a small body
  • Pale yellow to light brown or gray

Hobo Spiders are found in almost any habitat containing holes, cracks or crevices which can support tunnel formation. They are very rarely found above ground level. They like basement and crawl spaces.

  • Light to medium brown with dark stripe down center to either side of lighter midline stripes; legs solid light brown with no bands
  • 1 – 1 and 3/4” (40-50 mm) in diameter, including legs. Body sizes range from 5/16” to 9/16” with females slightly larger than males
  • Oblong abdomen with longer posterior spinnerets visible from above

Wolf Spiders are nocturnal and hunt during the night. During the day they will rest in their home. They will enter a home in search of prey/food or if the weather changes. They rarely go above the ground or lowest level. These can be a year round pests, they are primarily nocturnal and only come out at night. They will seek out dark areas to hide, and this is why they show up in the basement and crawl spaces.

  • Usually dark brown, often with paler (or sometimes yellow) stripes or markings
  • 3/8 – 1 3/8“ (female) 1/4 – 3/4“ (male)
  • Stout-robust body with long, spiny legs


There are many ways the experienced spider exterminators at Pathfinder Pest in Buffalo can treat these types of pests.

  • Barrer treat to prevent them coming in
  • Treating areas they are seen
  • Sealing up gap and crack
  • Replacing seal around doors and windows
  • Reducing the condition causing the pests like temperature, moisture, and hiding location
Wolf Spider

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