Mosquitoes & Ticks

These pests are primarily found outdoors during the summer months. They can transmit many different illnesses/diseases to humans. Of all the pests these two pose the most danger to humans as well as spreading illness/disease.

  • Color varies by species.
  • Adults can be smaller than a sunflower seed (over 1 cm long if engorged with blood), while tick larvae can be less than 1 mm.
  • Ticks have only six legs during their larval stage and eight legs during their nymphal and adult stages.

Different species of ticks can transmit over 15 viruses and infections. Some of these problem ticks include:

  • American dog ticks
    • Brown with whitish to gray markings
    • 3/16” (5 mm) unengorged, 5/8” (15 mm) engorged
    • Oval, flattened
  • Deer or blacklegged ticks
    • Orange-brown with dark legs
    • 1/8 “
    • Flat; broad ova
  • Lone star ticks
    • Reddish brown, becoming slate gray when engorged
    • Females are 1/6-1/4” (4-6 mm) un-engorged and 1/2” (16 mm) engorged; Males are smaller
    • Oval, flattened

Ticks can not fly or jump. They will climb onto tall brush and latch on as humans and pets as they pass by. They can transment many different illnesses such as;

  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF)
  • Tularemia
  • tick paralysis
  • Heartland virus
  • Lyme disease

These are primarily exterior pests during the warm summer months. They love high temperatures and high humidity, They primarily come out at dusk and stay on the underside of leaves during the day to stay cool from the sun/heat. They can transmit multiple different illnesses to humans such as;

  • They typically have long, thin legs and a head featuring a prominent proboscis.
  • Mosquito bodies and wings most often are covered in tiny scales.
  • Adult sizes may range from 3 to 9 mm

Males do not feed on humans and are only needed for reproduction. Females are the ones that bug humans and transmit illness and disease. They can transmit multiple different illnesses to humans such as;

  • Zika
  • West nile
  • encephalitis

There are a number of ways to treat these kinds of pests.

  • Barrer treatment to prevent them
  • Treating areas with lots of foliages & Tree lines
  • Any standing water will also attract them

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